Aerospace Engineering Portfolio

Yash Kumar

Graduate Systems Engineer

Systems | Project Management | Design


University of HertfordshireAerospace Systems Engineering
with Pilot Studies
Grade: First Class Honours

Hatfield, UK

Northwestern Michigan College- AviationStudent Pilot Training
Cessna 172R- G1000
Flight Hours logged: 25

Summer 2019
Michigan, USA

St. Josephs Pre-University CollegePre-University Degree in Science
Grade: First Class

Bengaluru, IN

Technical Software Experience

Key Projects

UAV Challenge

SkyConvoy UH20
Aircraft Design

Static Rocket Motor
Test Pad

Sounding Rocket Recovery System


UKSEDSInt. Comms Manager

Current (2021)
London, UK

Otermans InstituteProject Management

Current (2021)

Star OrbitalsSystems Engineer Intern

Summer 2021

Aspire Higher, UKEngineering Ambassador

Hatfield, UK

British Petroleum Retail Associate

St. Albans, UK

Core Modules

Systems Integration
Avionic Systems
Aircraft Control Systems
Performance and Propulsion
Air Law and Navgation
Flight Analysis and Planning

About Me


You've made it this far so you must know enough about my journey. Thank you for taking your time browsing my portfolio. I must say that this portal is just the beginning of many more experiences and exciting projects to add onto.

I'm a multi-faceted engineer who loves design innovation, problem-solving and project management. My curiousity towards aerospace ignited in early 2000s when I was 5, stunned by the shock waves and the after-burn of Su-M30s &  F-16s at a local airshow in Bengaluru.  I have grown up watching documentaries on the Apollo Missions and since then, aspiring to become an astronaut. Its been over a decade, my enthusiasm and curiousity towards air and spacecraft has been growing exponentially with time.

Graduating with a first class BEng Honours in Aerospace Systems has brought me one step closer towards my goal and I'm keen on expanding my current skillsets on real-life projects and industries.

Apart from engineering, I enjoy clicking pictures mainly focused on Aviation, Travel and Astrophotography. Alongside, a drone pilot, filming breath-taking shots from the bird-eye views. A hobbist in poster design, website building and IoT applications using Raspberry Pi.

BEng Honours
Aerospace Systems Engineering
With Pilot Studies


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Get in Touch

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Always open for a random chat related to space, aviation and technology. Say hi! on either linkedIn or messenger and let's talk.

📍 Location Status
Today, in London, UK. Tomorrow, wherever my goal takes me.
*a recruiter would have me say 'I can relocate' *